
Welcome to Self-Publish or Get an Agent: How to Find and Implement Your Best Path to Publishing Success.

This course is designed to help writers navigate their increasingly complicated publishing options. At The Author Wheel, we believe there's no single correct way to write, publish, or promote your book, only the best way for you.

Based on our book Publish: Take Charge of Your Author Career (available for purchase on all major retailers), this course is best suited for writers just beginning their publishing journey, or those looking to change directions.

Each section of the course begins with a video introduction. On that same page there will be a link to download the "Action Plan" for the section and any additional materials that might be needed.

You can also join our community at to download the complete Pro Author Packet, which includes a few additional tools and spreadsheets, like our Fiction Plot Map template (a story structure tool for both plotters and pantsers) and the Writing Diary Template (to measure and keep track of your writing productivity over time.)

If you have any questions during the course, or feel like we're missing something, please email us at [email protected]. We look forward to working with you!

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